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The Role Ofreligion And Morality In Cats Cradle Essay Example For Students
The Role Ofreligion And Morality In Cats Cradle Essay As a creator, Kurt Vonnegut has gotten pretty much every sort of recognition a crea...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK Essay Example
The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK Essay Example The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK Essay The view that secondary socialisation is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the contemporary UK Essay In this essay, I shall be discussing the roles of secondary socialisation in both the creation and promotion of existing gender identities in the UK. The two social institutions I will be looking at are education, and the media these both constitute as being ways of how we are socialised into particular roles, in this case through secondary socialisation. Firstly, we need to establish what gender roles are so we are able to discuss the importance of socialisation in education and the media on these roles. Ann Oakley distinguishes between sex (the biological differences between males and females) and gender (culturally created differences), in that she focuses on what society defines as masculine and feminine behaviours, roles, attitudes, expectations and so on. Gender identity is the result of gender role socialisation, unlike sex, which is biologically determined. When discussing masculinities and femininities we need to appreciate that these are not merely two types of gender identities, but that in fact, there are different types of these identities. This has been highlighted by Connell, who illustrated that there are both dominant and subordinate forms of these identities, for example, gay sexuality is a subordinate from of masculinity. So in fact, we should not be referring merely to masculinity and femininity, but to masculinities and femininities. Drawing on the nature/nurture debate, Joan Smith (1997) stated that men and women become different because they are treated differently. In other words, socialisation and upbringing are more important than nature. This suggests that biological differences in fact play no, or little, part in how our behaviour differs, but that in fact, gender identities are actually socially constructed, and then promoted through various social institutions. Evidence to support the social construction of gender identities comes from research into AIS, and also from cross cultural studies which show that different cultures define acceptable gender roles differently, proving that biology is not the main factor in determining male and female behaviour. Discussion of popular culture, including the roles of magazines and books leads us to consider: How are men and women represented in popular culture, and what role does this play in reproducing gender roles and identities? Firstly, we shall look at the idea that the education system is responsible for the creation of gender identities in the UK. Most importantly, we will be looking at how males and females learn their gender identities in education by assessing the role of childrens books in the promotion of, or the distinction between, gender identities. We already know that educational institutions play an important role in socialising children for adult roles, but how exactly do we learn our gender identities from education? Michelle Stanworth (1983) introduced the idea of a hidden curriculum whereby not only do children learn formal subjects such as Maths, English etc. , but from the school experience, they are also receiving hidden messages about their class, ethnicity, and gender. As Stanworth found, this may be from the teachers in a study, one male teacher was quoted as saying, of one of his female students, that she was likely to become: a personal assistant to someone rather important. (I. e. this teacher means a man. ) In addition, it has been found that male students are likely to get more attention from staff than girls, even if girls outnumbered boys. An important way we learn our gender identities in education is through the use of books. Dale Spender suggested that women are made invisible in our culture, in that their lives and achievements are not represented as being as being of any significance, or may even be trivialised. This idea is supported perfectly when we look at childrens books. Many studies, including Lobban (74) and Best (93) have provided us with interesting findings. In the majority of childrens books, male characters tend to outnumber female characters by anything up to three to one. Additionally, when female characters do appear, they are likely to be in traditionally stereotypical female roles. Male characters often appear as being heroes, are adventurous, and out of the home situation. How does this affect the children who are reading the books, and how does it promote gender identities? Young girls are likely to get the impression that they should serve men (happy servitude), and the use of male heroes implies that women need to be rescued. For boys, they learn that men are big, adventurous, heterosexual and also protect women. These effects are a clear example of how this form of secondary socialisation (education) promotes, and highlights the differences between gender identities. The second way we are socialised into gender roles is through the media. This includes books, the radio, television, videos and films, but we will look more specifically at magazines. In Angela McRobbies findings (82), she demonstrated perfectly that the magazines girls read do in fact redefine, or even create, gender identities. When looking at Jackie magazine, she found that it helped to define girls identities and expectations from childhood onwards. She focused particularly on how the magazine constructed a female world based around the ideals of romance, fashion, and pop music. The effects this had on young girls was that it promoted the idea that their primary task was to get a man and that their primary identity would be based on getting a man. Ferguson (85) added to this idea, stating that womens magazines promote the view that women should concentrate on cooking, housework, and childcare. Furthermore, these are seen to be the main roles of women, and clearly define female identity as one which is centred around housework and childcare. Although Ferguson recognises that since her first studies in the 40s, there has been a change in how this message is promoted in magazines, she does reiterate that nowadays, the predominant message is one of femininity being centred on childcare and housework. Taking a more general look at magazines aimed at females, we can draw certain conclusions about how we learn our gender identities through the media. Most magazines aimed at young women, seem to have an unhealthy concern with appearance, health, and beauty. Many of the articles focus on diets, especially so called celebrity diets which are an even more effective way of promoting diets, as young women are more likely to imitate the behaviour of people who they already look up to. This promotes the view that females should predominantly focus on their appearance. Looking at a recent issue of Company magazine, we can see that there are 49 health and beauty articles, compared to six articles on real life issues. This implies to the reader that health, beauty, and physical appearance are more important than real life issues, socialising them into a female gender identity based on these values. When looking at (heterosexual) mens magazines, such as FHM or Loaded, we can see that they are based around the idea that a mans main interest is to have sex. Most of the articles are written in a way which almost give advice on how to get women. The magazine is socialising the reader into what is nowadays seen as typical masculine behaviour. This is done by the content being predominantly about lad-culture, and provides a good source, for young males, of somewhere to learn typical male behaviour from. This shows how secondary socialisation can create gender identities in the UK. To conclude, we need to look at other factors, aside from secondary socialisation, and cannot ignore the main source for our socialisation, (primary socialisation,) which is the family. Our parents are likely to treat us differently from other siblings of a different sex, although it may be unintentional. This can include the way they dress us, they way they may restrain or encourage particular behaviour we display, and may even be evident in the toys they buy us. For example, giving boys tractors encourages them to do manual work and giving girls dolls encourages them to be caring and motherly. This is surely an important institution, and we must acknowledge its effects on the promotion of gender identities. We also need to reiterate that there are different types of masculinities and femininities, and need to recognise how these might be promoted through secondary socialisation. For example, nowadays, there are many different types of men represented in the media. We are shown more traditional men such as Tony Blair who has a high-powered job and has a wife and children. But also, we are faced with images of David Beckham, who, although being a football player, (a typically masculine career,) has challenged typical masculine roles, by toying with feminine identities, without actually being homosexual. He has done this by, for example, wearing nail varnish, or by appearing on the cover of gay magazine Attitude. To conclude, we have seen that both the media, and education do socialise gender specific behaviour into us from an early age. Personally, I do not find one of these institutions to be more effective than the other, but when considering other institutions, such as peer group influence, and the effects of the family, we can see that our gender identity is very much taught to us, and is by no means biologically predetermined, instinctual behaviour.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The 5 Most Searched for Jobs in 2015
The 5 Most Searched for Jobs in 2015 Just as one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, so is one man’s undesirable job a keeper for another. But some jobs have more to offer than others. Google recently announced its list of most frequently searched for jobs in 2015. Let’s take a closer look at what contemporary job hunters are looking for and why. 5. NCAAThis one may seem like a bit of a surprise, but it makes sense when you break it down. After all, people love their sports. The NCAA - short for National Collegiate Athletic Association - is dedicated to supporting hundreds of thousands of student-athletes and safeguarding not only their well-being on the playing fields, but also throughout their lives.A quick glance at the NCAA website reveals a diversity of job openings - from accounting to scouting - both at the national office in Indiana and with college athletics programs all over the country.Despite the diversity in type of job, however, openings are few and far between, so intere sted qualified applicants should move quickly when appropriate jobs become available.4. DisneyIt may be a â€Å"small world, after all,†but The Walt Disney Company’s legacy is massive, its brand and products are unbeatable, and the company’s commitment to innovation, great location, and terrific benefits add up to an appealing corporate culture for many job seekers. In fact, some employees report that working for Disney is not so much a job as it is being part of a family. For this reason, the competition for jobs at Disney is stiff - both externally and internally. Getting a Disney job is not impossible, though. After all, the company employs approximately 166,000 people in more than 40 countries working in a variety of positions ranging from arts to engineers.3. EngineeringThere are many reasons people seek engineering jobs, ranging from financial security to the challenging nature of the work. Engineering is a broad field with a massive spectrum of caree r opportunities, all of which offer the opportunity to help change and improve the world. Engineers also value the ability to work in a constantly changing field, and to be part of that momentum.And then there’s the matter of compensation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual wage for an engineer is a whopping $96,350.2. WarehouseWith the rise of companies like Amazon and Costco, warehouse jobs are more plentiful than ever. While the work can be physical, many employees appreciate the sense of camaraderie and the busy nature of the job, as well as corporate efforts to promote safety, such as group stretches before the day’s laboring begins. Warehouse jobs are largely diverse, and include everything from industrial truck and tractor operators to store clerks and order fillers.Because entry level warehouse jobs don’t typically require a college degree, the door is open to more job seekers. Additionally, most employees report that there is p lenty of room for job advancement.1. GovernmentJob openings with the federal government are available within all 50 states as well as overseas. But why are these positions so coveted? Stability is one of the premier advantages of jobs in the government sector; in fact, government positions are largely considered to be among the country’s most secure jobs. Government jobs also come with many perks, holidays, and a low-stress environment which might not be found in the private sector.While government pay is tightly regulated, it reported to be comparable with what you might find in the business world. In other words, while a government job may not make you rich, it may well make you very comfortable. And there’s good news for all of your government job hunters: according to the Office of Personnel Management, of the country’s 2.3 million federal civilian employees, a full quarter are eligible for retirement. Who will fill these spaces, given the lack of interna l candidates? External applicants just like you.One last thing to keep in mind. While more job hunters are looking for jobs in these areas, there’s no correlations between demand and openings. In fact, the three industries predicted to see the most growth in the coming years - retail, business services, and healthcare - didn’t make the cut among Google job searchers. So how do you gain an inside edge on the competition? Develop your skill set, understand what today’s employers are looking for, and be proactive in your job search.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Effect of Sildenafil on Embryo Development Literature review
The Effect of Sildenafil on Embryo Development - Literature review Example To increase the success rate of IVF, the clinical and laboratory procedures were enhanced in order to reduce the risk of side-effects on the part of patients (Gupta and Agarwa, 2010). Despite the effort to improve the use of IVF, Diedrich et al. (2007) revealed that successful pregnancy rates remain low. The common problems encountered with the use of the IVF procedure includes: (1) inadequate supply of nutrients and oxygen necessary to make the embryo implant itself in the endometrium lining (Forbes and Westwood, 2010; Raine-Fenning et al., 2004a; Kennedy, 1997); (2) lack of endometrial receptivity (Forbes and Westwood, 2010; Kennedy, 1997); (3) failed ovarian responses to the IVF protocols (Oudendijk et al., 2012; Tarlatzis et al., 2003); and (4) uterine blood flow abnormalities caused by poor angiogenesis or vasculogenesis (Satterfield et al., 2010; Huppertz et al., 2006). Due to the failure of the embryo implant itself in the endometrium lining, women can either experience a misc arriage, a recurrent miscarriage, implantation failure, or a recurrent implantation failure (Christiansen et al., 2006; Margalioth et al., 2006; Tomassetti et al., 2006). Based on the study of Achache and Revel (2006), approximately 2/3 of failed IVF is caused by the inability of the embryo implant itself in the endometrium lining. One of the pharmacological drugs that are being considered in treating problems related to the endometrium lining is the sildenafil citrate (Hattori and Tabata, 2006). Through the use of this particular drug, the presence of nitric oxide can will not only create a positive effect on the endometrium lining during the implantation stage but also help in preventing the presence of intrauterine adhesions during menstruation and maintain normal blood pressure during pregnancy (Nakatsuka et al., 2002; Sher et al., 2000; Norman and Cameron, 1996). Based on the study of Sher et al. (2000), the use of 25 mg of sildenafil citrate vaginal suppository for at least four (4) times each day for a period of one week prior to ovarian stimulation will not only increase the endometrium thickness by more than 8 mm but also improve the uterine blood flow. In a similar study, Paulus et al. (2002) examined the effects of 25 mg of sildenafil citrate vaginal suppository on ten (10) women with poor endometria l response to IVF. After administering the vaginal suppository for at least four (4) times each day, the authors noted a 9 mm increase in the endometrium thickness of nine (9) patients but no such improvements in the patients’ uterine blood flow (Paulus et al., 2002). Aside from having a trilaminar pattern during the ovulation period, Chanona et al. (2004) found that it is possible to increase the endometrium thickness up to more than 10 mm after administering 50 mg of sildenafil citrate vaginal suppository each day between the 9th to 12th day of menstruation cycle.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Global Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Global Study - Assignment Example (Blair) Africa has now become a politically stable land that now produces a humongous supply of natural resources including gold, copper, diamonds and oil. The investment that came along with Chinese colonialism has provided African-government owned companies a firm footing and grip over their homeland. Zambia for example houses over 100,000 Chinese expatriates who have ultimately boosted up its economy. Beijing has gained control of mines here along with textile factories in Lesotho, railways in Uganda and timber in Central African Republic. China has targeted Africa as it is the sole competitor in front of Saudi Arab and Iraq who already have been influenced by Western power. Although the government of Africa is joyous at the new agreements with China which will increase economy and provide political stability to the land, yet the independence movements strongly condemns Chinese interference in the continent. Central African Republic or CAR has been unstable since its independence from French colonialism in 1960 and has suffered various coups. The Seleka rebel alliance has resulted in destroying the country’s infrastructure. The Muslims in CAR experience disasters each day caused be violence committed by anti-balaka movement comprising of Christians and animists. This party emerged against Seleka movement. International peacekeeping bodies have taken measures against violence in CAR. UN Security Council approved resolution in 2014 deploying ten thousand peacekeepers in CAR. (Relations) In November 2014, the anti-balaka group declared to lay down its arms to pursue political action. But still thousands are killed every day and all precautionary steps go to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Marketing Plan New Product Essay Example for Free
Marketing Plan New Product Essay Titles Page No 1) Executive Summary 4 2) Current Marketing Situation 5-6 3) Threats and Opportunities 6-9 4) Objectives and issues 9-13 5) Marketing Strategy 13-19 6) Action Programs 19-21 7) Budgets and Controls 21-23 8) References 24 Executive Summary on Apogee Apogee is a shoe which is completely made from old, unused soccer balls. After using a soccer ball for quite sometimes it becomes unworthy to use. So people throw out the old soccer ball to buy a new one. But what they don’t realize is how harmful this plastic material can be for our environment. To remove this problem and also to make brand new merchandise we are going to produce trendy shoes from these unused soccer balls. These shoes can be worn by the people of all ages. These are also going to be stylish so fashion concerned people can feel attractive in them. Next comes the huge issue of environment safety. There are many products in the market which are very useful but there deathly for our environment. But this shoe is completely made from recycling old soccer balls. So it does no harm to our environment. In fact it works to protect the environment. The third issue is price. People want to wear new and fashionable shoes. But most of them can’t afford such expensive products. As apogee is made from old soccer balls it is really cheap to produce. So we can offer people new and trendy shoes at a minimum price. Reviewing all the features of apogee we can assertively say that this product is going to be popular, environment friendly and last but not the least inexpensive. Current marketing situation We are planning to produce shoes from recycled soccer balls. In the current market people of all classes need shoes. They want more trendy sturdier shoes. Furthermore people are now more conscious about the environment they live in. So we choose this idea of making shoes from recycled soccer balls keeping in mind the environment as well as the customers both at international and domestic level. Our customers: In todays modern world there is a craze about sports, particularly about football.Soccer mania is here and everyone seems to be riding high on the popularity wave. Everyone watches football now a days, so what if they could use a product that not only served their purpose but also indicate their love for the game and that’s how we came up with the idea of making shoes from recycled soccer balls. Football is popular around the globe , specially in Europe and south america. As we are planning for a global launch of our product we will concentrate particularly on these region. The youths of Bangladesh are quite interested about sports and of course football, so we are developing our product keeping in mind their taste and preferences. We are hoping we can go global with our product after we are successful in making it a success in our domestic market. Market segmentation: We are planning to divide our market on the differences of our customers trend,style and fa shion. We will develop these shoes for both boys and girls. For Boys and girls who are aged from 10 to 15, we will asses their current demand for new shoes and also we will customize them according to their needs. We will use the same strategy for customers aged 16 and above. Thinking internationally, we may think about the international preferences of our global customers. We will also give our customers the alternative to customize their product according to their need and taste. Current market competitors: currently adidas and nike are dominating the sports accessories business by providing state of the art merchandises specially sports shoes. But what we want to do is we want to create an positive image of our product by creating the ultimate soccer shoes that is available and most importantly affordable for the customers. Furthermore we are using recycling material to make this product that will also create a positive image. As they say â€Å" first impression is the last impression†and that’s exactly what we are planning to do. We wan to make a global impact. Opportunity We cannot sustain our consumerist lifestyle without getting inundated by garbage and exhausting the earth’s resources. Solid waste disposal experts engage in an uphill struggle to contain this virtual avalanche of garbage we produce every day. It is apparent that digging a hole, a landfill, is clearly not the answer. Sooner or later, the waste becomes uncontainable and will spill into our farming areas, forests, and water sources. Here we have shown some opportunities of producing shoes from recycling football soccer Good raw material: As football is an international game and it is produced for international purpose, we are getting almost best quality of product. If we recycle the soccer and if we produce shoes from this waste material, ultimately we are getting good quality material for producing shoes. Less expensive: Many of we have the tendency to buy pure leather shoes. Sometimes we desire to buy but we step back when there is a question of money. If we use the useless soccer we will be able to reduce the cost of soccer and so ultimately we will reduce the purchasing price also. Save animals life: As we are using football soccer as our raw material which people consider as wastage, we are helping our environment to keep sound. When we are using animal leather, animal lives are in danger. So if we use the soccer we will be able to protect the life and it will be environment friendly. Proper utilization of resources: We are using the proper use of resources which is also good for environment. Environment friendly: Football is made with plastic, synthetic paper, leather and rubber. We know plastic, synthetic paper, plastic are discomposed material. When we get the utility, we throughout the ball in the dustbin that may causes problem to the environment. It may stick in the drain and can create problem in drainage system. Objectives and Issues of APOGEE: Marketing plans are written documents that help us communicate our marketing efforts for the following year. One of the most important parts of the marketing plan is the objectives and issues section, which helps internal employees or external stakeholders understand the marketing goals. 1. To save our Environment Our main objective is to save our environment through recycling. We will prepare shoes by recycling footballs. In recent years, scientists have been carefully examining the ways that people affect the environment. They have found that we are causing air pollution, deforestation, acid rain, and other problems that are dangerous both to the earth and to ourselves. With the help of recycling we can protect our environment to some extent. Recycling is a process using materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for conventional waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production. When a football gets old and rusty, it has no use. We often throw it into the dustbin or somewhere else. It is polluting our air and land. With the help of recycling we can convert these footballs into shoes. We hope it will reduce air and land pollution and thus we can protect our environment. 2. Sell quality shoes with low price: Another objective is to sell quality shoes with low price. People now are very concern about quality and price. They want high quality product with low price. So we will sell high quality products with low price. 3. Increase market share: Another objective is to increase our market share. With the help of marketing strategy we can increase our market share. In this case we have to invest a lot of money in promotion and distribution of the product. We are expecting to increase our market share up to 10% in the next year. 4. To be the number one in the existing market One of the most important objective is to be the number one in the existing market. For these reason we have to implement our market strategies properly which have been discussed later. Issues that can affect our objectives: 1. Environmental issue: Environment means everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth. Today environmental issue is very important. There are many organizations who are working to protect the environment. They are creating pressure on the companies. So we will sell environment friendly product. We will not use any synthetic leather or any other chemicals that may cause harm to our environment. 2. Health issue: Today people are very health conscious. They want to know everything about the product. If they feel that the product they are using are not safe, they will not use the product. APOGEE shoes are really safe because it is a green product. We will not use any chemical product in producing the shoes. 3. Social issue: We have to work in our society. So we have some social responsibilities. We have to think about our society and produce products according to their needs and wants. We should keep a friendly relationship with the people of our community. 4. Child labor issue: Another important issue is child labor issue. According to the labor act policy in 2006 child labor has been banned from all the industries. Showing respect to the law we will not use any child as our labor. 5. High quality with low price issue: People now are very concern about quality and price. They want high quality product with low price. So we will sell high quality products with low price. We will also give some discount to our customers. Marketing Strategy Of Apogee : Introducing a new product to the market can be a challenging task for a business. No matter how much confidence you have in the value of the product or how unique it is, there are still things to consider before unleashing it on the public. The marketing concept of building an organization around the profitable satisfaction of customer needs has helped firms to achieve success in high-growth, moderately competitive markets. However, to be successful in markets in which economic growth has leveled and in which there exist many competitors who follow the marketing concept, a well-developed marketing strategy is required. Such a strategy considers a portfolio of products and takes into account the anticipated moves of competitors in the mark. Customer Driven Marketing Strategies for Apogee : Making strategy decisions need to be customer driven as your end customers are the ones who will be making purchase to our products and services. The topic of Customer Driven Marketing is how to divide up the identified market into meaningful customer groups, choose which customer groups to serve, create market offerings that best serve targeted customers and position the offerings in the minds of customers – referred to market segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning. The reason for having customer driven marketing strategies is companies today cannot appeal to all buyers in the marketplace. Buyers’ behaviors are difficult to predict, too widely scattered and too varied in their needs and buying practices. Companies must design customer driven marketing strategies that build the right relationships with the right customers. Why Customer Driven Marketing for Apogee : In a nutshell, with proper application of a customer driven marketing strategy, the we can focus our efforts on meeting distinct needs of individual market segment to target segments in which it can profitably generate and sustain customer value. It can then communicate deliver the chosen position with its resources available for an effective strategic marketing plan. With a customer driven marketing approach, the company has clearer direction to maintain its desired marketing position on targeted market segment(s) through consistent performance communications. Nonetheless, for larger companies such as Unilever and PG, they can offer complete range of products to serve all market segments to meet customers’ needs. We must divide up the total market ,choose the best segments and design strategies for profitably serving chosen segments. This process involves market segmentation ,market targeting , differentiation and positioning . Market Segmentation : As we are making shoes from recycled soccer balls and its for everyone ( Boys,girls,Childrens) we can divide our markets into 2 types – 1. Customers Aged 10-15. 2. Customers Aged 16 and above. Market Targeting : Footwear sales have been falling in developed countries and slowing in emerging countries due to lower income levels; and therefore, less spending on apparel and footwear. Consumers are focusing increasingly on value for money, looking for simple, hard-wearing shoes that last . As children and young people are passionate about stylish shoes we are focusing them as our target market . Positioning : We will make our shoes more attractive than our market competitors . We will sell our shoes at a reasonable price . We will give them longer lasting shoes and will guarantee them for a certain period. We will use our distinctive shoe logo or Brand name so that we can hold our market for a long time. At the beginning we will give advertisements to acknowledge them about our products .We will give discounts for our special customers . Our shoe logo Differentiation : We will serve our customer a different service compared better than our competitors on the following basis : I. We will make our Shoes attractive. II. We will sell our shoes at reasonable price. III. We will give discount to our customers . IV. Will give them guarantee for our products . V. Will take orders from customers to make customized shoes . Marketing Mix : This section outlines how we will make strategies for each marketing mix element of our Apogee shoes and how each responds to the threats , opportunities and critical issues . Product : In order to outdo our competitors we will take specific strategies for our product .The strategies will be – 1. We will make a variety of products on some specific categories such as for boys shoes ,Sandals , Sport shoes for girls we will make clogs ,lace ups, heel shoes etc. 2. We will always promise them 100% best quality for our product . 3. We will follow Fendi ,DIESEL ,Armani , Burberry ,Moschino designs to make our shoes . 4. We will use clear shoe box, ,paper shoe boxes in packaging our shoes . 5. We will make it eco -friendly. paper shoe boxes plastic shoe box clear shoe box Price : We will always try to give customers good quality shoes at a reasonable price .For this we need to take some sort of incentives , they are – 1. We will give price tag on each of our shoes. 2. We will give 5% discount on our shoes at the starting of our business in order to get consumer attention on our shoes. Place : 1. We will open our branches in home and abroad. 2. We will try to open our branches in U.S.A , Canada , South-Africa .So we will obviously try to make an influence on consumers to buy our product. 3. We will always try to sell the shoes that were produced first. 4. As shoes will be produced in Bangladesh we need to transport them across national boarder and in home .We prefer to transport shoes to abroad by air and in home by our private transport . Promotion : 1. We will advertise our shoes on newspaper, magazines , and on t.v. 2. We will open our own branch in home and abroad . 3. We will show the positive sides of our products such as its durability, comfort ability , up to date with latest designs and customer choices . ACTION PROGRAMES A Marketing Action Plan is a way of putting in place a structured series of activities to get a predictable result. Here are the basic steps: 1. Define the service we want to offer. 2. Define our Target Market for the service. 3. Define additional outcomes 4. Plan the resources required 5. Plan of costing Financial Plan Our financial plan is based on receiving several loans to purchase/fabricate the production equipment, provide initial operating capital, and establish the customer value. We will achieve profitability early in the first year and due to the expected high growth rate, we will realize strong profits on sales by net year. APOGEE shoes are made with recycled soccer ball and produced in fair-trade factories. We also sell only to independent retailers worldwide in order to cycle money back into local economics. Our hope is that people with similar philosophies will be inspired by our experiment in grassroots capitalism and start their own business ventures. This company pretty much focuses on one thing: recycled material. In making shoes, we use 80% recycled material and other things. Our principles underlie on low cost, but effective marketing strategies. Budgeting Apogee develop and make use a effective budget plan that will make sure to achieve expected profit rate. The following is an estimate of the sources of our principal costs: Capital costs †¢ Land fees †¢ cost of special equipment and †¢ Cost of set-out containers. Operating Costs †¢ Labor; †¢ Supplies; †¢ Administrative and Overhead; †¢ Truck Maintenance; †¢ Fuel, Maintenance; †¢ licenses, insurance, registration fees; Cost of Production WE will establish a minimum cost estimate for producing hoe. As we use the useless soccer ball for producing hoe the cost will not be high than using the material. Recycling less energy and generate less pollution than using less material. So here we have low energy cost. Promotion cost Our budget include marketing cost. Because e need to advertise.issue pre release, and make calls to potential customer. We will determine the cost of each marketing element. Labor cost In Bangladesh, the labor cost is not high. Here at first e hire some labors who are expert in this work. We analysis that this cost will not exceed our budget. We will make sure that we can get maximum output from labor. Distribution cost Apogee first launch some testing product and when it reached at higher growth rate then it ill export it product to other country. Controlling Apogee practice a constant marketing control process. First it set specific marketing goal. Then we will measure it performance in the marketplace and then evaluate the cause of any difference between expected and actual performance. Finally it takes corrective action to close the gap between it goal and it performance. This may require changing the action program or even changing the goal. (RESOURCES) Recycling Benefits A Recycling Revolution www.recycling-revolution.com/recycling-benefits.htm Threats on scrap sources accessibility: the loss of access and a new www.institut.veolia.org/recycling/recycling/recycling-threats.as Photos National Geographic Kids kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/photos/
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The History and Mechanism of the Atomic Bomb :: Atomic Bombs Physics Weapons Essays
The History and Mechanism of the Atomic Bomb ----------------------- -+ Table of Contents +- ----------------------- I. The History of the Atomic Bomb ------------------------------ A). Development (The Manhattan Project) B). Detonation 1). Hiroshima 2). Nagasaki 3). Byproducts of atomic detonations 4). Blast Zones II. Nuclear Fission/Nuclear Fusion ------------------------------ A). Fission (A-Bomb) & Fusion (H-Bomb) B). U-235, U-238 and Plutonium III. The Mechanism of The Bomb ------------------------- A). Altimeter B). Air Pressure Detonator C). Detonating Head(s) D). Explosive Charge(s) E). Neutron Deflector F). Uranium & Plutonium G). Lead Shield H). Fuses IV. The Diagram of The Bomb ----------------------- A). The Uranium Bomb B). The Plutonium Bomb The History of the Atomic Bomb ------------------------------ On August 2nd 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify U-235 with which might in turn be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known only then as the Manhattan Project. Simply put, the Manhattan Project was committed to expedient research and production that would produce a viable atomic bomb. The most complicated issue to be addressed was the production of ample amounts of `enriched' uranium to sustain a chain reaction. At the time, Uranium-235 was very hard to extract. In fact, the ratio of conversion from Uranium ore to Uranium metal is 500:1. An additional drawback is that the 1 part of Uranium that is finally refined from the ore consists of over 99% Uranium-238, which is practically useless for an atomic bomb. To make it even more difficult, U-235 and U-238 are precisely similar in their chemical makeup. This proved to be as much of a challenge as separating a solution of sucrose from a solution of glucose. No ordinary chemical extraction could separate the two isotopes. Only mechanical methods could effectively separate U-235 from U-238. Several scientists at Columbia University managed to solve this dilemma. A massive enrichment laboratory/plant was constructed at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. H.C. Urey, along with his associates and colleagues at Columbia University, devised a system that worked on the principle of gaseous diffusion. Following this process, Ernest O. Lawrence (inventor of the Cyclotron) at the University of California in Berkeley implemented a process involving magnetic separation of the two isotopes. Following the first two processes, a gas centrifuge was used to further separate the lighter U-235 from the heavier non-fissionable U-238 by their mass.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Parents in child’s life Essay
Parents are an integral part of any child’s life. They are his safe haven, his stepping stones and his personal cheerleaders. They are the people who create a person in the first place hence he/she owes their existence to them (Laura, 11). They give a child his name, his characteristics and his personality. They also give him both his negative and positive traits. So, in my opinion it is a foregone conclusion that parents’ identities do affect their children and in a key way. Some children may be affected more than the others but that everyone is affected by his mother and father’s identity to some extent (however small) is indisputable. I will try to explain in my essay how the children are affected and also why they are influenced the way they are. The first important way in which a parent’s identity determines their kid’s identity is their lineage. Kids in almost every part of the world are recognized by their parents’ pedigree or roots. Even we as teenagers automatically classify our friends as African-Americans, Caucasian, Asian, Jewish and Muslim etc. Whether we like it not, whether it is identity and religious stereotyping or not, the fact remains that we are recognized by both our parent’s history and their religion. In the contemporary world, with all the talk of eradicating borders and walls between people, the fact remains that we still recognize people this way. Why, some may ask. Though no definite answer, it maybe because of the prejudices this world builds into us as kids where the color of a man’s skin or the God he believes in is more important than the quality of his heart. A child’s character is also affected by their parent’s identity (Dr. Haim, 201). We see the proof all around us. If a child’s parents lie, chances are that the child will learn to do so too. If they stress on the importance of honesty, the child may grow up to possess an honest nature. This is because even before a child comes into contact with his friends, his parents remain the sole and most complete influence in his life at least until he is five or six. It is the parents who define the ‘innate’ characteristics of a child. Other than identity and character, a child’s education and career is also affected by his parent’s identities. Most of the times, it has been seen that kids are only serious about their studies when they are pressurized to do well at home and enthusiastic interest is taken in their child’s studies by both parents. This point that I am enumerating now may seem to apply more to the Eastern world then the Western one where independence and choice are quite important. But in many Asian countries, kids are often encouraged to take after their father or pursue careers that most of their relatives make a living off. Example a doctor may want his son to take after him and an engineer may want his kids to take an interest in physics and math. So, in a way, even a kid’s livelihood is affected by their parent’s professions. The reason to this may be because people often feel safer when their kids are following their line of profession as they believe their kids will receive the necessary support from them. In short, it is fear of the unknown on the part of the parents. Another important area where parent’s identities influence their children is in the child’s perception of himself/herself. An apt example over here can be of India where the caste system is still staunchly followed (Thomas, 109). The lower castes (or Untouchables as they are called) are often ostracized and treated like animals. Many higher caste Hindus consider themselves polluted even if a whiff of their scent touches them. These so-called-Untouchables accept this inhumane treatment without question. Psychologists believe it is because of their low self-image. Therefore, even their kids suffer from low self-esteem. This is a classic case of parents’ perception influencing their child’s opinion of himself. Of course, like every rule in the world, there are exceptions. There may be many instances when a child is not influenced by his parent’s identities and rises above it. An example is of Indian pop icon, Abhijeet Sawant, born into India’s lowest caste, but successful in becoming one of the country’s most famous pop stars. In our country itself, there are numerous examples. The creator of Peanuts, Charles Schultz was born in a very poor family. He did not let his parent’s identity as slum dog poor affect him. Another example is of veteran model Janice Richardson. She was born to an alcoholic mother (which says a lot about low self-perception) but grew up to be a cult icon in the world of modeling. Another very important exception is the orphans or kids from broken homes. I take nothing away from them when I say that some of them never even know their parents so there is no point of their getting influenced by them. They choose life and career paths and have characters that may be completely different form the people who gave birth to them. To conclude, there are always such exceptions but they are far and few in between. Most of the times, a person’s parent’s identity does tend to influence their kids minds in a large way. The reason for this may be that most of us look up to our parents and want to enumerate them. But having said this, seeing the current world phenomenon, parent’s hold on their kids may be more absolute in the Eastern world than the Western. Works Cited A Book Dr. Haim G Ginott. Between Parent and Child. Crown. (Jul 22, 2003). Thomas, G. Parent Effectiveness Training. Three Rivers Press. (Oct 31, 2000) Laura Davis. Becoming the Parent You Want To Be. Broadway. (Feb 3, 1997)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A review of financial reporting from a range of construction industry sectors
Annual reports have changed quite dramatically between mid 1970s and today. The overall amount of information given has increased considerably, and this is equally true for the financial statements and the discussion section of the annual report.New financial statements have emerged with the funds flow/cash flow statement or more recently the statement of total recognised gains and losses, and existing statements now offer a greater level of dis-aggregation.â€Å"In addition to the basic financial statements underwriters expect to find schedules of contracts in progress and completed contracts and a reconciliation of the income and the costs of these contracts to the current year's income statement.Certain balance sheet accounts are unique to the construction industry– costs in excess of billings on uncompleted contracts (an asset) or billings in excess of costs (a liability). Using the percentage of completion method costs in excess of billing result when the billings on unc ompleted contracts are less than the income earned to date.These under billings result in increased assets. Conversely, where billings are greater than the income earned on uncompleted contracts, a liability, billings in excess of costs results. Many bonding companies request other specific information as supplementary data. A timely and detailed response can provide many answers to bonding agent's questions and increase the likelihood of a positive reaction to a request for bonding.The absence of the appropriate and sufficient information in the financial statements will give rise to scepticism and, at the very least, additional questions from the survey.As a result the TABULAR DATA OMITTED bonding agent will be seriously inhibited in his or her attempt to convince the insurance carrier that the reward outweighs the risk of providing performance bonds for the contractor.†(Dufek, 1992)2-2- Shareholders Users of annual reports are many and varied, but it is generally agreed th at investors form one of the largest and most important groups of potential users (Day, 1986). It is generally recognised that information contained in company financial reports should be useful to shareholders in their investment activities.Yet if annual reports are to succeed in being a primary means of communication between the business enterprise and its shareholders, they must contain disclosed information that shareholders need in order to take their investment decision (Lee and Tweedie, 1975).2-3- Disclosure of risk As defined by the ASB (1998) risk is â€Å"Uncertainty as to amount of benefits. The term includes both potential for gain and exposure to loss.†Risk thus is essential to an enterprise, because it is inherent in the pursuit of opportunities to earn return for its owners.It follows that in order to understand properly the potential for the future performance of any company; investors need a proper understanding of the risks it undertakes. This will be based on the following information
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Proposition 69 essays
The Pros and Cons of Proposition 69 essays "Innocent until proven guilty" is the premise of our justice system. Does Proposition 69 infringe upon or protect our Constitutional rights? The results of the election show that the measure was overwhelmingly passed by the citizens of California. In this time of terrorism, have the people of this state turned to Proposition 69 to satisfy their false sense of security? What were some of their fears and justification for ratifying this proposal? We will voice the pros and cons as presented by the voters. Those who voted for Proposition 69 feel there are many positive effects. Some of the more important reasons for affecting the DNA sampling are that they increase citizen safety, provide improved and efficient processes of booking criminals, exonerate wrongfully accused people, and most of all, arrest and convict those who commit heinous crimes with more accuracy. To fund the DNA program, the measure provides a method in which the taxpayers will not be burdened by implementing this practice. The proposal states that by adding one dollar for every ten dollars to a criminal penalty, enough money will be raised to pay for it, thus, creating no additional cost to the citizens of California. Also, this measure will help to clear those falsely accused of using the database system and DNA sampling. Testing will help innocent people to be quickly exonerated. Another pro to this proposition is, being able to access and share a state-to-state database with other precincts; consequently, broade ning the resources to wider use. Likewise, Proposition 69 will allow crimes to be solved quicker by the use of a broader database; thus, increasing the efficiency of investigation of criminal cases. What once took weeks to process will now take a mere 48 hours. Statistics available from other states who have implemented this system show an 85% increase in the ability to solve cases with the use of the DNA database. Sacrame ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Consider The Source
Consider The Source Should Academic Achievement Be a Primary Consideration for College Admission? If you need a similar essay feel free to ask our writers for help! Of course, valedictorians attend Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, Stanford and Harvard and Yale. And they probably should be there – they’ve earned it. But academic achievement isn’t enough to evaluate a person’s worthiness of anything,– especially admission into an institution of higher education. More should be considered when judging a soon-graduating high school student. There is more to a person than excellent, perfect grades. Academic achievement is just the tip of the iceberg when assessing a person’s credibility, their life experience and success potential, their value. Well-roundedness should be the primary consideration when a student is being assessed for admission into a particular college. Character, Drive, Work Ethic, and Foresight, and Leadership are the three components that comprise this quality – all combined with academic achievement as well, which is a given. For one, a major component of a well-rounded person is Character: Who they are, what they’ve been through, how they respond to problems and bad situations. In late February 2016, news surfaced that Charles Schwab CEO Walt Bettinger often takes job candidates to breakfast, secretly making sure the waiter gets his order wrong. He said it revealed deep down the kind of person the candidate is – how they responded to adversity and when things do not go their way. In essence, their Character. If it works for the CEO of a billion-dollar company, then it should be advantageous for a college’s admission counselor. Character rests under the umbrella of what it means to be a well-rounded person, which should be the primary consideration for admission into college. Also, there is Drive, Work Ethic and Foresight. When a person really wants something, anything, something that may take a long time to achieve, they will go to any depth to obtain it. It’s a rare quality for any individual to have, especially at a young age like 17 or 18. Any nerd can sit at home and study the books until the books rot and shrivel up with age. They do simply what they are supposed to do; great if they wish to be professional achievers. They do it in vain. A well-rounded person hits the books hard AND studies and reads to improve themselves and their knowledge of the world, a certain industry, finance, self-improvement. They spend their waking moments not simply completing assignments, but pursuing a dream – bettering themselves each and every day until they reach their dream. Characteristics like this should be what get people into college – of course, also, when it is combined with excellent grades and character to back it up – because it illustrates one more component of a well-rounded, excellent person. Lastly, leadership is a fundamental characteristic of a well-rounded person, as well. No follower ever became President of the United States of America, the CEO of an international, multi-billion dollar business, the Dean of an Ivy League school. Followers become drug addicts, convicts, and derelicts. Leaders are good people who have the rare ability to help others and lead them to something better, their goal, objective, and safety. Leaders reach people, gain their trust, and help them by being assertive, compassionate, helpful, honest and above all, selfless. One’s Leadership skills and motivations should be included when they are considered a well-rounded enough person for college admission. In conclusion, college admission is not an easy process. It takes a lot to get into the right schools. Maybe that’s how it should be. But of course, there is more to a person in addition to their academic achievement. There is Character, Drive, Work Ethic and Foresight – and one more very important feature of a well-rounded person: Leadership. Sadly, this is not always the case – as too many valedictorians, bookworms essentially, those who graduate the top of their class, are being chosen as the top choice of the best universities in the world. Sadly, the most successful people in the world did not even graduate or attend college. Just look at two college dropouts: billionaire Bill Gates and the late tech guru Steve Jobs; they surely weren’t valedictorian material in college, not in high school either. Of course, it could be argued that other characteristics constitute a well-rounded person. Nonetheless, college admission should be based solely on a person being as well rounded as possible.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Business Management - Essay Example Ownership types Lloyd pharmacy is owned by a pharmacist who has a registration certificate as per the state laws. These State requirements are disapproved always by large business selling ventures, and the concern has been raised in the perspective of Hilmer Competition Reforms. They oblige each state to spot and do away with any legislative fundamentals which are not competitive except public opinions that are of advantage. The presented structure of pharmacy possession takes care of: accountability and liability by those who own pharmacies– through the State along with Territory Pharmacy Acts, quality utilization of drugs, value-added key health care services for instance, management of asthma and diabetes, management of wound care, management of medication, allocation of public health teaching and material for information, methadone and exchange of needle programs (Kayne, 2005). Conversely, at MacDonald’s it is either a franchisee, the firm itself or a partner who op erates it. MacDonald’s corporation obtains their revenues from rent, fees paid by the franchisees plus company-operated restaurants and sovereigns. The UK business mode is diverse since fewer than 30 % of restaurants are under contract, with mainstream under the company ownership (Ahuja, 2012). Organizational Structure In Lloyd Pharmacy, the pharmacist, clerk and technician form the central part of the pharmacy team. Those who prescribe, nurses, and other health care employees are part of the extensive pharmacy team. The Lloyd pharmacy team shares a general objective, to offer good medical care to those who are sick. Every member has specific duties to achieve, but each share some tasks with other members of the team. Each of them rely on others to do their work; being aware of members of team’s distinctive function regarding one’s own will help in doing ones work in a well-organized and satisfying way. As a pharmacy clerk, one has a significant involvement to m ake to the team. In the contrary, at The MacDonald’s there are two structures, the senior management and the restaurant side. The senor restaurant include the general manager, assistant manager, shift running manager, floor manager, staff training crew and crew members. The general manager is answerable for the everyday function of the MacDonald’s fast food restaurant together with employing, instructing and supervising the employees, ensuring that the restaurant remains in proper working situation and guarantee that things run efficiently when the restaurant is open. They also do the totaling up the daily receipts, ensuring that the restaurant abide by all legal prerequisites and communicating with the General Manager. The assistant managers’ duty is to assist the general manager. The Shift Running Manager’s main task is to organize and control the way the staff work in shifts. The Staff Training Crew’s main task is to take charge of all trainings within the premise. Whereas Crew Members work all the way through the Crew Development Programme and this is McDonald’s standard training system. They get trainings both on and off the floor by use of a combination of shoulder-to-shoulder training and self learning. Responsibilities At Lloyd pharmacy, vending pharmacists offer counseling patients, respond to their
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